Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
You Can’t Be All Things to All People
Using the same resume for each job is a waste of time and a bad strategy for success. You need to position your resume with a specific...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Icons, Symbols, and Abbreviations in Your Resume
Is it okay to use icons, symbols, and abbreviations in your resume? Yes and no. A big NO for submitting online through an application...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
How Much Time Does a Recruiter Spend Reading Your Resume?
How much time does a recruiter spend? What's your guess: Recruiters read the whole thing - They don’t want to miss any detail and want to...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Update, then upload
After you change-up your resume, even with little tweaks, the next step is to update it online. This includes: LinkedIn Glassdoor Indeed...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Brag book - what’s in yours?
What’s a brag book? Literally, a portfolio of documents such as letters of reference, ranking reports, and training certificates that...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Keywords - Choose Wisely!
Every word on your resume is important. There isn’t enough room to waste space. And some words are more important than others. Your first...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
How to Edit Your Resume
Once your shiny new resume arrives in your inbox, it's time to edit. Follow these steps: First, take a look at the format and make note...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
The Time to Update Your Resume is Now!
Get ahead of losing your job - it’s easier to find a new job while you’re employed. That may seem really obvious, but few heed the...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Resume Do and Don’t
Starting with the Don’t: Typos, past tense for a present job, personal pronouns: It’s really hard to edit your own work. Do: Always have...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
For the Older Job Seekers
If you're an older worker trying to find a job, you may face age discrimination. Among the ways to proactively counter any issues about...