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Using buzzwords and fluff

Crafting an authentic and compelling work story on your resume is a vital goal, and doing so succinctly within one page requires a thoughtful approach.

Avoid the temptation to pad it with unnecessary fillers—words that might seem impressive but often fall flat with hiring managers. Here's a snippet of some of the worst offenders:

  • Best of breed

  • Go-getter

  • Think outside of the box

  • Synergy

  • Go-to person

  • Results-driven

  • Team player

  • Hard worker

  • Strategic thinker

  • Detail-oriented

The takeaway is clear: simplicity is key when selecting the words for your resume. Instead of relying on clichés and overused terms, focus on clearly and accurately describing your past experiences. This approach enables hiring managers to see, without unnecessary embellishments, why you're the "best of breed" for the job.

Think of your resume as a strategic document, a concise representation of your professional journey. Highlight your achievements, showcase your skills, and ensure that every word serves a purpose. A clutter-free, authentic resume not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.

When it comes to your resume, simplicity is not just a style—it's a powerful strategy for standing out in the competitive job market.


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