Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
What is ATS software?
It’s man versus machine when it comes to Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. This is a program that searches your resume for...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
15-Minute Networking Tasks
Put networking on your to-do list every weekday in 15-minute increments. Here are your daily tasks: Monday: Email a network contact...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
You Can’t Be All Things to All People
Using the same resume for each job is a waste of time and a bad strategy for success. You need to position your resume with a specific...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Join a LinkedIn Group
Pick a group related to your area of interest and get involved. If you’ve aren’t already active on LinkedIn, this is the place to start....
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Icons, Symbols, and Abbreviations in Your Resume
Is it okay to use icons, symbols, and abbreviations in your resume? Yes and no. A big NO for submitting online through an application...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Take Advantage of Online Courses During Your Job Search
If there was ever a time to hone your skills, a job search is it. And with the vast amount of online classes available, it’s easier than...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Competing with the Masses on Job Boards
From a study by LinkedIn, research shows that 70% of all jobs are not published publicly on jobs sites and as much as 80% of jobs are...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Using buzzwords and fluff
Crafting an authentic and compelling work story on your resume is a vital goal, and doing so succinctly within one page requires a...
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Networking made easy
During an online networking event, put your contact info in the chat. This could be the best use of a video chat!
Lisa Dubino
- 1 min
Read, Listen, Study
Keep your passion alive by staying informed in your area of interest. Utilize downtime to immerse yourself in podcasts, delve into...