5 Reasons You Should Keep Your Resume Updated

Your resume and LinkedIn profile are valuable assets. No matter what your employment status, keeping them up to date will bring you opportunity, security, and confidence. Employed full time already? Be prepared when the chance to advance pops up. If you work from home you may come across other opportunities to increase your income. And if you’re a stay at home mom, you never know when it will be time to start a job search. Read on for five more reasons to be proactive and update both your paper and online resume.
Industry Expert - Could you be picked to give the next TED talk? Speaking at conferences, contributing to articles and giving quotes to the media are ways to distinguish yourself as an expert in your field. And when you do you’ll need backup in the form of a resume to prove your worth. Also don’t forget to list it on your resume when you’re done.
Awards - It’s possible you could be nominated for an award or for recognition. Are you prepared to hand over your credentials when the time comes? If you’re scrambling to put something together at the last minute you might miss out on a time sensitive vote.
Side work - Single moms always need more money. It’s part of our daily struggle! If you’re in the market for a side gig make your search easier with a current resume so you can close the deal sooner and make money faster.
Head hunters - If you’re on LinkedIn or have a profile on Indeed or Monster rest assured a recruiter will find you. But if your profile is old you could lose out on something good. Do a periodic check of your online presence to make sure you’re using the right keywords and your contact information is up to date
Opportunity knocks - You just never know when something is going to come up! Sometimes the unexpected is the exactly what you need in your life. But if your resume isn’t ready you might miss out. Don’t let the next big thing pass you by because you were unprepared.
If you take a few minutes each month to check your resume and online profiles, you’re just a cover letter away from improving the quality of your life! Do you need help with your profile? Contact me, Lisa Dubino, for a free review at portlandresumeworks@gmail.com.